

   2014-08-25 中国食品网3070
核心提示:法國Sweet Bordeaux(甜蜜波爾多)在2009年創立,集合了十一個釀造甜白酒的產區,分佈於波爾多以南30公里的加隆河兩邊,面積約35
         法國Sweet Bordeaux(甜蜜波爾多)在2009年創立,集合了十一個釀造甜白酒的產區,分佈於波爾多以南30公里的加隆河兩邊,面積約3500公頃,主要包括三個葡萄品種:賽美蓉 (Sémillon) 、赤霞珠 (Sauvignon) 和慕斯卡德 (Muscadelle) 。





         甜蜜波爾多 · 海都酒家:當甜白酒遇上中菜



         繼去年的「Sweet Party」甜蜜派對大獲成功後, 甜蜜波爾多今年將再次迎來百位愛酒人士出席在美麗華酒店舉行的甜蜜派對,讓香港年輕人一起分享多款來自這十一個法定產區的甜白酒,同時有機會品嚐到由法國La Charcuterie Bordelaise供應的法式特色美食。無論葡萄酒愛好者還是追求時尚的消費者,將渡過一個輕鬆愉快及甜蜜的晚上。

         甜蜜波爾多 · 香港美酒佳餚巡禮



         甜蜜波爾多中國之旅 (北京、廣東、廈門和武漢)



Sweet Bordeaux: booming sweet wine business in China

Created in 2009, Sweet Bordeaux is comprised of 11 appellations of sweet and mellow wines from the Bordeaux area. Located on both sides of the Garonne River, 30 kms south of Bordeaux, they represent an area of approximately 3,500 hectares and rely primarily on 3 grape varieties: Sémillon; Sauvignon as well as Muscadelle.
In 2013, Sweet Bordeaux has further developed its sweet wine business in mainland China and Hong Kong. As the fifth biggest market to Sweet Bordeaux, China's consumption has increased by 25% last year, with a significant growth of website traffic (over 56%) to its Chinese website. This year, as distinguished from other alcohols to celebrate exceptional moments with family and friends, Sweet Bordeaux goes further and offers new ways of drinking through 4 key moments, in order to renew Bordeaux's sweet and mellow wine image and break traditional drinking habits:

Sweet Break: a moment called Café Gourmand combining Sweet Bordeaux with three or four mini-desserts.
Sweet Mix: a festive and trendy cocktail ideally suited for parties and events
Sweet Original:  a classic Sweet Bordeaux to share with friends
Sweet dive: an intensified taste of the freshness of the fruit, peppery or spicy flavors triggered by an iced Sweet Bordeaux.
Besides its strong presence in France, Sweet Bordeaux has conceived a series of programs to promote sweet wine widely in China this year.
Sweet Bordeaux master class

28 October 2014

A well designed master class is open for wine professionals in Hong Kong on 28 October 2014. With the experienced representative from Sweet Bordeaux, local talents are offered an opportunity to learn more about 11 appellations of sweet and mellow wines from Bordeaux.   
Sweet Bordeaux crossover Chinese Spicy cuisine at Victoria City Restaurant

29 October 2014
A press lunch will be organized on 29 October 2014 at Victoria City Restaurant, allowing the local journalists to understand that Sweet Bordeaux is the only wine that can counter Chinese Spicy cuisine's strong flavors that are hard to pair because the taste usually numbs the taste buds.
Sweet Party at The Mira hotel

29 October 2014

After the great success last year, Sweet Bordeaux will again throw a Sweet Party for over 100 people, with the delightful sweet wine traveling a long way from the Bordeaux region of France and delicate canapés, cold cuts and ham provided by Charcuterie Bordelaise. For this occasion at The Mira hotel, both wine lovers and trendy adventurers can enjoy a wonderful sweet night in the lighthearted atmosphere.
Sweet Bordeaux at the Hong Kong Wine & Dine Festival

30 October – 2 November 2014

Each year the festival devotedly presents a varied mix of superb food, great wines, and lively entertainment in a spectacular setting. Sweet Bordeaux has become a regular participant to meet Hong Kong's growing demand of sweet wine.  
Sweet Bordeaux travelling in China (Beijing, Canton, Xiamen and Wuhan)

31 October – 7 November 2014
As its business is booming in China, Sweet Bordeaux will organize several master classes and grand tastings in Wuhan (31 Oct. to 1 Nov.), Canton (3 Nov.), Xiamen (5 Nov.) and Beijing (6 & 7 Nov.), with the expectation of strengthening its network with the professionals in China as well as exploring new cooperation opportunities.
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