
§100.155 盐与碘化盐(Salt and iodized salt)

   2011-04-01 中国食品网中食网7440

  § 100.155   Salt and iodized salt.

        (a) For the purposes of this section, the term iodized salt or iodized table salt is designated as the name of salt for human food use to which iodide has been added in the form of cuprous iodide or potassium iodide permitted by §§184.1265 and 184.1634 of this chapter. In the labeling of such products, all words in the name shall be equal in prominence and type size. The statement “This salt supplies iodide, a necessary nutrient” shall appear on the label immediately following the name and shall be in letters which are not less in height than those required for the declaration of the net quantity of contents as specified in §101.105 of this chapter.

  (b) Salt or table salt for human food use to which iodide has not been added shall bear the statement, “This salt does not supply iodide, a necessary nutrient.” This statement shall appear immediately following the name of the food and shall be in letters which are not less in height than those required for the declaration of the net quantity of contents as specified in §101.105 of this chapter.

  (c) Salt, table salt, iodized salt, or iodized table salt to which anticaking agents have been added may bear in addition to the ingredient statement designating the anticaking agent(s), a label statement describing the characteristics imparted by such agent(s) (for example, “free flowing”), providing such statement does not appear with greater prominence or in type size larger than the statements which immediately follow the name of the food as required by paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section.

  (d) Inpidual serving-sized packages containing less than1/2ounce and packages containing more than 21/2pounds of a food described in this section shall be exempt from declaration of the statements which paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section require immediately following the name of the food. Such exemption shall not apply to the outer container or wrapper of a multiunit retail package.

  (e) All salt, table salt, iodized salt, or iodized table salt in packages intended for retail sale shipped in interstate commerce 18 months after the date of publication of this statement of policy in theFederal Register,shall be labeled as prescribed by this section; and if not so labeled, the Food and Drug Administration will regard them as misbranded within the meaning of sections 403 (a) and (f) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act.

  [42 FR 14306, Mar. 15, 1977, as amended at 48 FR 10811, Mar. 15, 1983; 49 FR 24119, June 12, 1984]


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