
§123.10 HACCP培训(Training)

   2011-04-15 中国食品网中食网4830


     § 123.10   Training.

  At a minimum, the following functions shall be performed by an inpidual who has successfully completed training in the application of HACCP principles to fish and fishery product processing at least equivalent to that received under standardized curriculum recognized as adequate by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration or who is otherwise qualified through job experience to perform these functions. Job experience will qualify an inpidual to perform these functions if it has provided knowledge at least equivalent to that provided through the standardized curriculum.

  (a) Developing a HACCP plan, which could include adapting a model or generic-type HACCP plan, that is appropriate for a specific processor, in order to meet the requirements of §123.6(b);

  (b) Reassessing and modifying the HACCP plan in accordance with the corrective action procedures specified in §123.7(c)(5), the HACCP plan in accordance with the verification activities specified in §123.8(a)(1), and the hazard analysis in accordance with the verification activities specified in §123.8(c); and

  (c) Performing the record review required by §123.8(a)(3); The trained inpidual need not be an employee of the processor.









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