
链接中国的“大门”已开启, FHW CHINA 蓄势启幕

   2018-09-04 中国食品网12520
核心提示:The Door to China is opened, FHW CHINA is ready to start新零售推动新消费时代来袭,怎么样才能助力进口商开拓市场?New reta

The Door to China is opened, FHW CHINA is ready to start


New retail gives rise to the era of new consumption. How could it help importers develop markets?


From a holistic perspective, how can we facilitate international brands’ entry into China though integration and innovation?


United as one, how should the imported food industry arrange key starting points for a new round of development?

2018年9月7-9日,作为华南地区最专业的国际食品贸易交流平台,第七届广州国际特色食品饮料展览会(FHW 2018 | Powered by FOOD2CHINA)迎来了意大利、波兰、荷兰、英国、土耳其、葡萄牙、澳大利亚、西班牙、乌拉圭、泰国、马来西亚、韩国、菲律宾、印度、阿拉伯联盟等20多个国家和地区的近500家参展企业,以国际展团、休闲食品、酒水茶饮、食材调味品、健康食品、IFA协会、第三方服务等七个专业品类展区启幕于广州·中国商品进出口商品交易会展览馆A区8.1馆,融汇进口食品品牌,贯通全球产业链,关注国际食品的品质与中国市场的融合,打开全球链接中国的“大门”。

From September 7 to 9, 2018, FHW 2018 | Powered by FOOD2CHINA, the most professional international exchange platform for food trade in southern China, will be honored by the presence of nearly 500 exhibitors from more than 20 countries and regions including Italy, Poland, the Netherlands, the U.K., Turkey, Portugal, Australia, Spain, Uruguay, Thailand, Malaysia, South Korea, the Philippines, India and the Arab League. The exhibition, taking place at Hall 8.1, Area A, China import and Export Fair Complex, Guangzhou, consists of seven sub-sectors, i.e. International Pavilions, Leisure Food, Wine, Tea & Beverage, Ingredients & Condiments, Health Food, Guangdong imported Food Association and Third-Party Services. With the focus on introducing high-quality international food brands into the Chinese market and facilitating the development of the global food industry chain, FHW 2018 will build a bridge between China and the rest of the world.



链接全球 美味中国

Food to China, Tastes from the World


To meet China's growing demand for imported food, pavilions of over 20 countries will display their most representative local food and beverage. The fair this year will be as tremendous as the previous edition. The Thailand Pavilion comprising of over 20 Thai food and beverage enterprises led by the National Food Institute will present the most authentic Thai flavors to let everyone feel the charm of Southeast Asian food. The U.K. Pavilion will make its southern China debut with products ranging from whisky, cheese to leisure food and fresh ingredients, which will allow buyers to truly experience why “Food is great in the U.K.” The Italy Pavilion cannot be ignored either. The most influential local coffee and tomato products will bring along the romantic Italian cuisine culture. Additionally, the South Korea Pavilion comprising of dozens of brands as well as pavilions of other countries including India, Portugal, Philippines, Russia and Turkey will also display their latest ood trends.



喧腾鼎沸 泱泱商机

Booming Business, Huge Opportunities

本届FHW 2018 | Powered by FOOD2CHINA以前所未有的阵容,集结了众多优质的食品、饮料精品品牌,意大利的咖啡,葡萄牙的红酒,新加坡的酱油,马来西亚的肉骨茶,土耳其的干果,泰国的调味料,韩国的零食与保健食品等国家特色食品首次登陆中国,开启中国市场泱泱商机。

FHW 2018 | Powered by FOOD2CHINA has an unprecedented line-up of quality food and beverage brands. Italian coffee, Portuguese red wine, Singaporean soy sauce, Malaysian Bak Kut Teh, Turkish dried fruit, Thai spices, Korean snacks,health food and other specialty products will make their China debut at the exhibition, opening up great business opportunities in the Chinese market.

值得一提的是,本届FHW 2018 | Powered by FOOD2CHINA还展出挪威三文鱼,新西兰鳌虾,加拿大牡丹虾,印度牛肉,巴西鸡爪,乌拉圭牛肉等抢手海外食材,满足餐饮企业的一站式采购所需。

It is worth mentioning that Norwegian salmon, Zelanian crayfish, Canadian spot prawns, Indian beef, Brazilian chicken feet, Uruguayan beef and other popular overseas food ingredients will also be exhibited to meet the one-stop shopping needs of catering enterprises.

产业服务 不止于此

Comprehensive Industry Services

随着消费升级迭代,进口食品的物流与安全问题在中国一直备受关注。本届FHW 2018 | Powered by FOOD2CHINA将联合多家优质进口食品第三方服务商,打造完善的产业配套服务展区,提供食品进口产业流程的一站式第三方配套服务。从产品诊断、通关通检、标签备案、物流仓储到国内渠道平台、市场推广服务,一站式帮助海外品牌快速进入中国市场提供解决方案,实现平台与货源关系的重构,帮助中国贸易企业轻松解决供应问题。

With the rising level of consumption, logistics and safety issues of imported food have attracted much attention in China. FHW 2018 works with many high-quality third-party service providers to set up a Third-Party Service Sector where one-stop supporting services are available to cover the whole process of food import ranging from product inspection, customs clearance, label recording, logistics storage to sales channels and marketing. Those service providers offer one-stop solutions for overseas brands’ fast entry into the China market, and restructure the relationship between platforms and sources of supply to help Chinese trading companies solve supply problems. 


商贸对接 震撼上线

Business Matching Online

本届FHW 2018 | Powered by FOOD2CHINA也将商贸对接由线下延伸至线上,更好地服务我们的参展企业和与会采购商。其中囊括了供应、采购、代理、招商等各类信息发布及推广招商活动在线直播,受到广泛好评。对此,本届FHW 2018 | Powered by FOOD2CHINA更联合food2china.com提供365天的在线商贸对接服务以及线上直播服务,同时增加海外供应企业的大量信息,使国内的专业观众不用走出国门就能寻求国外资源,助力企业高效、有序、科学的进行商贸对接,减低沟通成本,提升商业价值。

FHW 2018 extends its business matching service from offline to online to better serve the exhibitors and purchasers. online spread of supply, procurement, agency and marketing information as well as live streaming business events have earned widespread praise. FHW 2018 also works with to provide online business-matching service and live streaming service 365 days a year. A large quantity of information on overseas suppliers is offered to Chinese buyers so that they can find superior oversea resources without the need to go abroad. This practice contributes to efficient, orderly and scientific business matching, reduces communication cost, and increases business value.



特备活动 精准配对

Special Events to Facilitate Precise Business Matching

FHW 2018 | Powered by FOOD2CHINA作为国际食品品牌进入中国的“南大门”以及一个带动行业循环联动发展的行业平台,在特备吸睛活动的独特性、专业度、学术性上尽显行业担当,同期举办超过10场精彩活动。2018进口食品发展论坛——国际领事论坛、2018新零售论坛,2018广州国际咖啡杯测大赛,特殊食品技术高峰论坛, “珍馐美食在英国”晚宴,意大利企业招待晚宴轮番上演,还有韩国、意大利、英国、葡萄牙、泰国等国际品鉴推介会精彩不停,共同汇成一个生生不息的进口食品产业圈,为华南地区进口食品行业从业人士与业界领军人物及同行提供交流、切磋,获取市场资讯的机会。

As the “South Gate” for international food brands to enter China and a platform for promoting interactive development of the industry, FHW 2018 demonstrates high standards in terms of peculiarity, professionalism and technicality for its over 10 on-site activities. 2018 Food2China Forum –Summit of International Leaders, New Retail Forum, the 5th Guangzhou Coffee Cupping Competition, The Forum of Special Food Technology, “Food Is Great in the U. K.” Dinner and Italian Enterprises Reception Dinner will take the stage by turns. Tasting and promotion events hosted by exhibitors from South Korea, Italy, the U.K., Portugal, Thailand and other countries will bring nonstop excitement. All those activities will form a lively network for the imported food industry, which provides a chance for professionals and industry leaders to communicate, compare notes and acquire access to market information



中国进口食品行业正步入一个提质增效、由大变强的“新时代”,而FHW 2018 | Powered by FOOD2CHINA也将因应市场需求的发展,推动更多优质的进口食品打开中国的“大门”,搭建华南最专业的国际食品交流平台!

China's imported food industry is entering a "new era" of higher quality and efficiency with the focus shifting from size to competitiveness. To meet the growing market demand, FHW 2018 will build the most professional exchange platform in southern China for the international food industry, thus helping more superior imported food to enter the Chinese market.



During the fair, visitors can get entry passes with their business cards at the registration center. Or they can follow the official account of the fair on WeChat (FOOD2CHINA001) and conduct pre-registration to reduce the time spent queuing up at the site.


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