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FDA open to probiotics monograph, says IPA

Post a commentBy Shane Starling, 19-Aug-2010

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has confirmed it would be receptive to a probiotics monograph that may serve as the basis of a qualified health claim, the International Probiotics Association (IPA) has confirmed.

The IPA was active in establishing a monograph that included 16 strains and four approved generic claims published by Health Canada in February 2009, a dossier it said could form the basis of a submission to the FDA, probably in 2011.

IPA head of marketing committee, George Paraskevakos, said the revelation had come at a two-day probiotics conference held in June at the New York Academy of Sciences, where the FDA, Federal Trade Commission and others had given presentations.

“We spoke to the FDA’s Dan Levi and welcomed how open the agency appears to be to the idea of a probiotics monograph,” Paraskevakos told

He said the IPA hoped a monograph could be presented to the agency next year, although it had to compete with the 10-year-old organization’s resources that were already stretched over there major initiatives:

establishing standards for probiotic testing
establishing protocols for clinical trials
a revamped consumer-friendly probiotics information website due to launch in Q1 2011
“At least with the Health Canada monograph we have the ground work in place and that should speed and simplify any submission to the FDA.”

The IPA also sent a copy of the Health Canada monograph to the New York Academy of Sciences for perusal.


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