

   2012-11-14 中国食品网中食网4100

    食品伙伴网讯 据美国食品安全新闻网报道,近日美国食品药品监督管理局(FDA)副局长泰勒(Michael Taylor)出席了在上海召开的国际食品安全研讨会。泰勒在研讨会上强调了食品安全建设过程中的消费者信任问题。


    In China, Taylor Emphasizes Importance of Consumer Confidence

    U.S. Food and Drug Administration Deputy Commissioner for Foods Michael Taylor discussed consumer confidence issues at the China International Food Safety and Quality Conference and Expo in Shanghai, China last week.

    Taylor said that while public health is the primary goal of food safety, the consumer confidence that results from it is "an important goal in its own right."

    "Inpiduals and families everywhere want the peace of mind that comes from knowing the food they put on the table is safe. And we are all better off from a public health perspective if consumers can choose a healthy, perse and economical diet without having to worry about food safety," said Taylor in his prepared remarks. "Consumer confidence also has big economic implications. It provides the foundation for the growing global trade in food, as well as robust domestic markets that are open to innovative products and technologies. And we know that when major illness outbreaks and contamination incidents damage consumer confidence in a particular commodity or sector, the loss of sales can be significant and take a long time to recover."

    "Most consumers understand that food is not risk free. They are not asking for the impossible. But they do expect that everyone involved in producing, processing, transporting and marketing food is doing everything they reasonably can to prevent problems and make food safe. And that is the expectation we are all working to meet," he said.


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